The Occupational English Test (OET) was developed to test healthcareprofessionals’ English communication abilities. OET tests English languageability in four areas: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Test-takers will need to demonstrate their ability to understand and answer questions aboutgeneral healthcare consultations and presentations, in addition to texts in a general healthcare setting. Test-takers are required to write accurate, professional letters with the aid of prompts and use speaking prompts to carry out appropriate and effective conversations with patients, relating to specific healthcareprofessions. Best OET Coaching Centre in Pudupet
Healthcare professionals who are looking to study or work in the healthcare sector in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Maldives, Malta, Namibia, New Zealand, Philippines, Qatar, Singapore, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates and the United States of America are required to take the OET exam. As these are the countries that largely recognize the OET test. Best OET Coaching Centre in Nandanam
OET can be taken by healthcare professions in any of the following 12professions: Dentistry, Dietetics, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy,Optometry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Radiography, Speech Pathology, and Veterinary Science. The Reading and Listening parts of this book are relevant to all 12 healthcare professions. The Speaking and Writing parts of this book cover Nursing and Medicine specific test content. More details
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